by Communications Director | Jun 17, 2012 | Bloordale Baseball News, Select Team News
On Father’s Day weekend, the Bloordale Bombers Minor Mosquito Rep Team headed to Niagara Falls, Ontario to face 15 other teams from southern Ontario for a tournament hosted by the Greater Niagara Baseball Association. The young Bombers met familiar adversaries in...
by Communications Director | Jun 14, 2012 | Bloordale Baseball News
Bloordale Baseball President Patrick McConnell was interviewed by CTV news yesterday regarding the proposed User Permit Fees for baseball diamonds and soccer pitches. The news crew was at Millwood Park and broadcast this story live on the 6 pm local newscast. During...
by Communications Director | Jun 8, 2012 | Bloordale Baseball News, Bloordale Executive
To the Bloordale Baseball Community: Toronto’s Parks and Rec General Manager Jim Hart has filed a 23-page report that is calling once again for fees in 2013 at half the level suggested for 2012. This will still have a large impact on our league, players and...
by Communications Director | Jun 3, 2012 | Bloordale Baseball News, Bloordale Executive
As Bloordale continues the campaign to have input on proposed City of Toronto permit fees for 2013, the Globe and Mail published the following article on Saturday, June 2, 2012. Click the link at the bottom to read the complete article. It’s a cool late spring evening...
by Communications Director | Jun 1, 2012 | Bloordale Baseball News
All Mosquito Games have been washed out for Saturday morning. Tball team photos are still on even if the games can’t be played. Rookie ball teams should check with coaches or the convenor for updates on game status for Saturday.
by Communications Director | May 23, 2012 | Bloordale Baseball News
Rookie, Mosquito, Peewee & Bantam Bloordale team photo day will be held this Saturday at Millwood Park All Rookieball, Mosquito, Peewee and Bantam teams will have team and individual photos taken on this day. For your team’s scheduled time, please see the...