by Communications Director | Jul 13, 2012 | Bloordale Baseball News, Bloordale Executive, Select Team News, Umpires
We will have to pay in 2013, but less than anticipated City Council has voted and the result is as good as we could expect under the circumstances. The bottom line is this: Starting in 2013 all users of outdoor fields will have to start paying hourly permit fees. The...
by Communications Director | Jul 9, 2012 | Bloordale Baseball News
The following is the content of the letter that was sent to all City of Toronto Councillors in an effort to reduce the proposed fees for 2013 and urge implementation of the action items noted in the Executive Committee report. Council is expected to vote on the Permit...
by Communications Director | Jul 6, 2012 | Bloordale Baseball News, Bloordale Executive, Select Team News
Dear Bloordale Baseball Family Members As you are aware, Bloordale has been actively involved in the campaign to reduce the impact a proposed City of Toronto user permit fee would have on our registration fees. We were successful in having the fees waived for 2012 but...
by Communications Director | Jun 21, 2012 | Bloordale Baseball News, Select Team News
The Bloordale Mosquito Select Team did our league proud in their first tournament of the season winning two of their three round-robin games. Our pitchers were in fine form and the Bloordale bats were on fire during the tournament allowing us to score 37 runs in three...
by Communications Director | Jun 18, 2012 | Bloordale Baseball News
Bloordale is looking for Intact House League teams to enter provincial championship tournaments on the weekend of Aug 10-12. The team roster must included all players normally registered on the team. This includes any select players who are on the house league roster....
by Communications Director | Jun 17, 2012 | Bloordale Baseball News, Select Team News
Bloordale’s AA Major Mosquito team came away with all the hardware during the May 25-27 Aurora A/AA tournament. The team went undefeated in five straight games during the weekend. In the championship game, the team beat the host, Aurora, 16-10 in 6.5 innings. Coaches...