Just because the weather is going to turn cold and the final formal pitches of the season have been thrown, there is no reason to stop thinking about the social aspect of baseball!
Bloordale’s 50th Anniversary year-long celebrations continue into the fall as we host an Adult and Alumi Three-Pitch Game and Pub Night.
If you have ever played with Bloordale or have ever had a connection with Bloordale (no matter how remote), you are invited to dust off the glove and tie up the cleats for one more go round on the field in a fun-filled 3-pitch game (or tournament if we have enough interest.)
If three-pitch is not your thing, but you would still like to reconnect with your Bloordale roots, come out to our Pub Night at Arizona Bar and Grill where we can relive our Glory Days
The festivities are scheduled for November 2.
The 3-Pitch Game will be held at 3 pm followed by the Pub Night at Arizona on Carlingview Drive.
Tickets are $25 per person and covers snacks at the park and pub. Any proceeds will be returned to the league.
For more information or to register for the event, send an email to:
[email protected]
Be sure to put ‘Pub Night’ in the subject line and indicate if you will be joining in the
3 pitch game, pub night or both. Include your Name and contact info.
Thanks for being part of Bloordale’s 50 year celebration.