Celebrating Our 2022 Teams

by | Aug 26, 2022

Bloordale Baseball’s Select and Rep teams had a phenomenal finish in local playoffs in 2022.

Nine of Bloordale’s 13 Rep and Select teams finished as finalists or champions in their respective divisions. That is an astounding 69% of our teams finishing first or second in their divisions. And of those, six teams will represent Bloordale at the provincial championships being hosted across Ontario on Labour Day Weekend.

2022 Season of Success

This combined achievement of our grassroots development program speaks volumes to the dedication and commitment of our volunteer coaches, players and supporting families.

Brian Moore

President, Bloordale Baseball League

“What makes this accomplishment even more impressive is that it was achieved during the first full season after two years of no play or restricted play,” added Patrick McConnell, Bloordale’s Director of Rep and Select. “And our success is across all age groups from 9U to 15U”.

“To have 46% of our competitive teams qualifying for provincial championships is unprecedented,” noted Norm Carrier, whose volunteer portfolio includes Bloordale’s rep program.

Congratulations to all of Bloordale’s competitive teams on wonderful seasons.

Below is a summary of how our teams finished in the playoffs.

2022 team results

Immediately following Labour Day weekend, Bloordale will start preparing for the 2023 season. All our teams will host tryouts for existing and new players starting at 8U and going up to 18 years old.

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