There are no public/municipal park lots at Millwood Park. Any adjacent parking lots belong to the apartment buildings located to the west and east of the park.
Anyone found parking in these lots are subject to fines and towing.
I have been contacted by a property manager of the apartment building located to the immediate west of the park (210 Markland Drive) and nearest to the unlit diamond, Millwood 2. Parking lots located immediately beside Millwood 2 and near Silverthorn Bush, as well as the lot located to the east side near Millwood 1, are off limits to public parking.
There is increased traffic in these lots, which I have seen, and it is becoming problematic for the league that people continue to park here.
Parking is available on the south side of Silverthorn Bush and on neighbouring streets.
Please be respectful of our neighbours and do not park on these properties.
I ask that families share this information with others who may be attending a game on occasion.
Select and rep coaches using Millwood 1 and 2 are asked to share this information with visiting teams. And if you see anyone from a visiting team parking where they shouldn’t, please ask them to move.
Thank you.
Wendy Kudeba
Bloordale Baseball
Volunteer President
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