What A GREAT Season of Baseball.
But at the end of the day, like in any sport, it comes down the final games to decide who will be crowned our divisional champions. Bloordale salutes our champions and we take our hat off to all those who have given it their all on the diamond. (Scoll down for pictures of our champions and some information about the games)
Well done everyone

In Rookieball, team B3 … perhaps better known as PharmaSave … were the team to beat all season. PharmaSave emerged on the top rung of the standings after the regular season and went on to win the double-elimination, tournament style championship round.
[ribbon toplink=”true”]Mosquito Champions – PROTEACH[/ribbon]

This year’s Mosquito champion is ProTeach which beat Roto Rooters Plumbers by a score of 7 – 5. Roto Rooters’ pitchers Jackson Howe and Nicholas Firmani kept the score low while Plumbers Jake Blimkie and Christopher Howey hit for the only extra bases in the game. But ProTeach pitcher Remy Riendeau threw 2 scoreless innings, stranding 5 base runners and Adam Vollett came in for the save with 2 innings and 6 straight strikeouts. Congratulations ProTeach players.
[ribbon toplink=”true”]Peewee Champions – ETOBICOKE DENTAL[/ribbon]

Turns out the Dentists of Bloordale are also pretty good ball players. The final was played between Etobicoke Dental and West Mall Dental. In the end, Etobicoke Dental, coached by Brian Moore, emerged victorious.
The September 23 game capped an exciting and competitive playoff in which three teams were tied for first after the five team round robin. All teams showed noticeably improved play in the playoffs.
Thank you to the players, parents, fans, and coaches of all the teams, as well as the umpires and sponsors and the many people who work hard behind the scenes. There was a tremendous effort by a small army of volunteers to prepare the field for the final game after a period of heavy rain earlier that weekend.

Patrick McConnell, President Bloordale Baseball puts on the finishing touches for the final, Peewee game

Bloordale’s Bantam division competed in an interlock loop with five teams from Royal York and a blended team of players for Forest Glen and Bloordale. The Bloordale Championship this year went to Beacon Transit (head coach Cameron Rooke), defeating finalist McBride (Head Coach Jeff Jamieson).
Beacon went on to compete for the interleague championship against Royal York’s top team. Bloordale’s Beacon Transit once again strung together some timely hitting, strong defence and powerful pitching to walk away with the interlock title.