Permit fee update for 2013: Recommendations going to Council

by | Jul 6, 2012

Dear Bloordale Baseball Family Members
As you are aware, Bloordale has been actively involved in the campaign to reduce the impact a proposed City of Toronto user permit fee would have on our registration fees. We were successful in having the fees waived for 2012 but now it looks like we will have to pay fees for 2013 and beyond.
On July 11, City of Toronto Council will be voting on the following motions for the 2013 and beyond playing seasons. (It is important to note that on June 12 the powerful executive committee unanimously supported all four recommendations):
1. Sports field permit fees for children and youth organizations be introduced in 2013 at the following rates (including HST):
a. $6/hour for A fields; (Millwood 1)
b. $4/hour for B fields;
c. $2/hour for C fields; and (Millwood 2, Neilson, Broadacres)
d. $2/hour (plus tax) for dry pads. (Not applicable to Bloordale)
2. The General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation undertake the steps outlined in this report to strengthen the City’s partnership with sports organizations and to improve the quality of sports fields and report back to Council after the 2013 season.
3. The permit fees for 2014 be set through the User Fee Review process, and that any increases to the 2013 fees beyond the annual inflationary increases be phased in over time, with appropriate consultation and in a manner that allows the sports groups to adjust their fees accordingly.
4. The General Manager of Parks, Forestry, and Recreation explore the option of creating a new fee for lit fields (NOTE: which is part of the A field classification of which Millwood 1 is classified as) and facilities to recover a portion of the electricity costs for each lit field and report back through the User Fee Review process. (NOTE: This would have a direct impact on teams using Millwood 1 and would increase Bloordale costs substantially)
If we permit the same amount of hours as we did in 2012, the fee schedule noted in Recommendation #1 will cost the Bloordale family of teams (house league, select, and rep) an estimated $17,000 in 2013 that we will have no choice but to charge back to those using the diamond time. The bulk of this fee is for use of Millwood 1, our premier field.
On Friday afternoon, Bloordale President Patrick McConnell participated in a strategy session with a number of sports organizations from across Toronto. We believe we have developed a defensible counter offer position that will show good faith on the user’s side, force the city to make good on its promises for 2013 while leaving the door open for further negotiation.
A top level of what we are proposing is:
1. Sports field permit fees for children and youth organizations be introduced in 2013 at the following rates (including HST):
a. $3/hour for A fields; (Millwood 1)
b. $2/hour for B fields;
c. $1/hour for C fields; and (Millwood 2, Neilson, Broadacres)
d. $0/hour (plus tax) for dry pads. (Not applicable to Bloordale)
2. No change to recommendation but rewording it to make sure certain things are done.
3. Fees be reviewed in context with the 2014 User Fee Policy review.
4. Any proposed lighting fees be included in the 2014 User Fee Policy review for possible implementation in 2015
This compromise proposal will be put on the table and we are doing work behind the scenes in hopes to gather support. We are not sure how things are going to shake out at Council, but we are doing our best to secure the best possible scenario for the league and our families.
We will keep you informed of the outcome.
If you have any questions, please contact league president, Patrick McConnell via email at [email protected]

Bloordale Baseball League Executive

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