The Blue Jays have run clinics in January in 2011and 2012. The clinic lastJanuary sold out in 4 hours. To ensure thatall the leagues have a chance to participate, the Blue Jays have set up a special link for players from our leagues to apply to participate. The link to the web page is now live. With 8,500 players in TBA plus Little League and softball leagues included, we will need to allocate aproportion of tickets for each league so that all leagues participate. The web page provides an invitation to participate in the clinic. A playe rwith a parent/guardian will be provided a ticket each. If additional family members wish to attend the game and clinic, the web page has a section to request extra tickets. The tickets are group discounted $27 seats plus the clinic cost of $40 (plus a service fee andHST). The parent/guardian that submits the clinic request will be requested to provide credit card information to minimize fee collection logistics.
On game & clinic day, there will be a table outside the Rogers Centre to pick up you tickets and clinic information. We will provide more instructions on this as we get closer to the clinic date.
CLICK HERE for clinic information on the Blue Jays website to register. Many of your questions will be answered there.